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Become a tradestar

Becoming a tradestar is easy and completely free of charge

We just have to confirm that your business has a proven track record.

We use websites such as Google, Facebook, Checkatrade, Yell or Trustatrader in the application process.

All you have to do is fill in the following form using your business details. Once approved you will be sent your official tradestars registration number, customised graphics and promotional video all free of charge. On top of this you will also qualify to receive leads generated from

The benefits of a free tradestar membership

There are so many reasons to become apart or our trusted network. Here are just a few.

Increase your business brand awareness

Receive free job leads from

Receive exclusive discounts from our partners.

Free tradestar graphics and promotion video

tradestars application form

Please ensure all contact information is correct. Once your application has been confirmed a member of our team will contact you to ensure you have received our correspondence.

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